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Face Lift Surgery

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Face Lift Surgery in Turkey

Face lift surgery in Turkey can be a great solution for people who are self-conscious of wrinkles and fine lines that occur with age. Our plastic surgeons at Soraca Med in Turkey have a wealth of experience in advanced face lift surgeries that produce natural-looking, amazing results. Our face lift techniques are designed to treat sagging and lost volume in the cheeks, neck, jawline and mid-face. Contact Soraca Med now in Turkey to set up a consultation if you want to learn more about the procedure and see the results for yourself.

What Is A Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Face-lifting is a cosmetic surgery procedure that creates a youthful appearance in the face. This procedure can help reduce sagging. The procedure can help to smooth out folds in the skin around the jawline and cheeks. Face-lifting is also known as rhytidectomy.

A flap of skin is removed from each side of the facial area during a face lift. The tissues below the skin have been altered and excess skin removed. The face will look more youthful.

Often, a neck lift is performed as part of a facial. It can reduce neck fat and skin sagging.

Why Is Face Lift Surgery In Turkey Done?

As we age, the shape and appearance of our faces change. Skin becomes softer and less elastic. Some areas of the cheeks have a decrease in fat deposits, while others see an increase.

Face-lifting can help address these changes as we age.

The cheeks appear sagging

Skin excess at the lower jawline

The deep skin folds that run from the corners of the mouth to the side of the nose

Skin sagging and fat accumulation in the neck area (if neck lift is included).

What Is Face Lift Surgery In Turkey Recovery Time?

After face lift surgery in Turkey, it takes several weeks for the side effects like swelling and bruises to subside. We can provide you with medications that will make you comfortable at home. In 2 to 4 weeks, you should feel and look normal. Face lift surgery can’t stop the natural aging process, so patients should continue to care for their skin and healthy lifestyles.

Face-lifts are not a solution for fine wrinkles or sun damage. They also don’t treat creases on the upper lip and nose, nor do they correct uneven skin tone.

How Could I Speed Up Recovery After Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Your overall face lift surgery in Turkey recovery time can be minimized if you follow these simple tips:

Smoking is harmful to your health. The healthier patients have an easier time recovering. Smoking can negatively impact your immune system, and slow down the healing process.

Be sure to follow your post-operative instructions. Clean and take care of the treatment site according to all postoperative instructions.

Healthy blood flow is important for recovery. Avoid foods and drinks that raise your blood pressure.

Face lift Surgery in Turkey Risks

Face lift in Turkey surgery can have complications. Some complications can be treated with medication, appropriate care or another surgical procedure. Although rare, long-term or permanent problems can affect appearance. Risks include:

Hematoma: The most common face-lift complication is a collection of blood under the skin (hematoma). A hematoma can cause swelling and pressure. It forms usually within 24 hours after surgery. The earliest possible treatment of a hematoma is surgery. This helps to prevent further damage to the tissues and skin.

How Is Face Lift Surgery In Turkey Performed?

Face lift surgery in Turkey is tailored to each individual by identifying their needs. The first step is a physical exam to evaluate the facial anatomy of the patient. The person’s desires and their feasibility are assessed at this stage. Face lift surgery in Turkey will be planned according to the recommendations. A series of tests are conducted to determine the suitability of a person for the surgery before the face lift operation. These tests are the same as those performed before any surgery. Checks are made on the person’s hormone levels, blood values and if they have a condition that would prevent surgery. The preparation and planning stages begin after it has been decided that the patient is a good candidate for surgery. This operation is technically very complex. The anatomy of the facial features are more complex than they appear from the outside. The main goal is to remove excess skin from the cheeks by cutting at the border of the ear and cheek. Then, sew the cut into the scalp area behind the ears and the scalp behind them.

Scarring: The scarring from an incision after a face lift scars will disappear over time. They are usually hidden by the natural contours and hairline of the face or ear. Incisions may result in raised scars.

Nerve injury: Nerve injuries are rare. Nerves that control muscle or sensation can be affected by a nerve injury. The effect can be permanent or temporary. A temporary loss of feeling, or the inability to move a facial muscle can last from a few weeks to a whole year. This could lead to an unbalanced facial expression or appearance.

A face lift, like any major surgery, can cause bleeding or infection. Some medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also increase the risk for complications.

The following factors may present a risk of complications or result in unfavorable results. In these situations, your surgeon may recommend against a facial lift.

Blood-thinning medications: The ability of the blood to clot can be affected by taking medications or supplements which thin the blood. These medications can increase your risk of developing hematomas following surgery. These include aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs, ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, fish oils, and other medications.

Medical conditions: You won’t be eligible for a face lift if you suffer from a condition that prevents your blood from clotting. Some conditions can increase your risk of heart complications, poor wound healing or hematomas. These include poorly controlled high blood pressure and diabetes.

Weight changes: You may not be happy with the outcome of your surgery if you have had a history that includes repeated weight gains and losses. Weight changes can affect the appearance of the face, as well as the condition of your skin.

Who Is The Right Candidates For A Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

You can use a checklist to determine if a face lift will work for you. Patients must be in good health, and between 40 and 70 years old. You may be a good candidate for facelift surgery in Turkey if you feel uncomfortable with the appearance of the lower face or neck when you look at yourself in the mirror.

What Is The Cost Of Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Face lift in Turkey cost between 2800 to 4500 €. This is a reasonable price when compared to the other European countries.

What Are The Types Of Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

There are many variants of face lift surgery in Turkey. They include:

  • Full face lift
  • (SMAS) Lift
  • Mid face lift
  • Mini face lift (lower face lift)
  • (Neck lift & Brow lift (forehead lift))

The Different Types of Face lift Surgeries

The steps described above are a typical face lift. Keyhole surgery is also a common technique to tighten the muscles and remove excess body fat. This is more suitable for brow and upper face lifts. In this case, recovery times and results can vary. Your doctor will be best able to advise you on which method is most suitable for you. We’ve listed a few other face lifting techniques below.

Deep Plane Face lift

This method is for people with severe wrinkles and sagging. It involves deeper cuts and incisions. The deep plane face lift is the most common.

Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS) Lift

The SMAS tissue that lies between the forehead and collarbone is targeted by this technique. This procedure does not involve any deep cuts, but only tightens the SMAS tissue. This procedure is best for people with mild facial sagging.

Mini Face lift

The mini face lift has similar incisions to the SMAS, but they are smaller. This technique, also known as a “short scar lift”, is best for younger patients between 40-50 years old.

How Is Face Lift Surgery In Turkey Performed?

Face lift surgery in Turkey is individual by assessing their needs. The first step is a physical exam to evaluate the facial anatomy of the patient. The person’s desires and their feasibility are assessed at this stage. Face lift surgery in Turkey will be planned according to the recommendations. A series of tests are conducted to determine the person’s suitability for a face lift operation. These tests are the same as those performed before any surgery. Checks are made on the person’s hormone levels, blood values and whether they have a condition that would prevent surgery. The preparation and planning stages begin after it has been decided that a person is a good candidate for surgery. This operation is technically very complex. The anatomy of the facial features are more complicated than they appear from the outside. The main goal is to remove excess skin from the cheeks by cutting at the border of the ear and the cheek. This cut is continued by sewing into the scalp in the area behind the ear and behind the ear.

What Is The Result Of Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Face lift surgery in Turkey gives the patient the youthful and tense appearance they desire. Although the operation doesn’t stop aging, it does make the patients look young. You can achieve the youthful look you desire after a face lift surgery in Turkey.

What Is The Recovery Time After Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

When planning a face lift in Turkey, the last thing you should consider is how much time you will need to allow for recovery. You may experience mild bruising and soreness for the first few days after surgery. Patietns must rest at home. After 10 days, most of the bruising should have faded. Normal healing can takes until 2-3 weeks.

What Can You Expect From Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

At Soraca Med in Turkey, a face lift surgery in Turkey can be done at both our clinics at Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey.

Face Lift Surgery In Turkey During the procedure

Face Lift Surgery In Turkey is a procedure that involves lifting the skin, tightening tissues and muscles. The fat in the neck and face can be removed, sculpted or repositioned. The skin of the face is then draped over the contours that have been repositioned. The excess skin is removed and the wound is then stitched or taped shut.

Incisions are determined by the technique and patient preferences. Options include:

  • The traditional incision for a face lift starts at the temples, along your hairline. The incision continues around the ears and down to the temples. The lower scalp is behind the ears. To improve the look of your neck, an incision can be made beneath the chin.
  • The incision begins at the hairline, just above the ear. The incision wraps around the ear, but does not extend into the lower scalp.
  • The neck lift begins incision in front of the earlobe. The incision continues to the lower scalp, around the ear. 
  • Face-lifts usually take between 2 and 4 hours. It may take longer to perform other cosmetic procedures at the same.

Face lift surgery in Turkey, After the procedure

You may feel some pain or discomfort after a face lift surgery in Turkey. Incisions are likely to be covered by bandages. Bandages apply gentle pressure, reducing swelling and bruising. To drain any excess fluid or blood, a small tube can be inserted under the skin behind either one or both of your ears.

After a face-lift, you may experience:

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Drainage from the incisions
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness
  • Contact your doctor immediately if you have:
  • Severe pain on one side of the face or neck within 24 hours of surgery
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Self-care
  • Self-care at home during the first three weeks will help your recovery and lower the risk of complications:
  • Follow the wound care instructions given by your doctor.
  • Avoid picking at the crusty scabs on your wound.
  • When and which types of shampoos and soaps to use are explained in the instructions.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are pulled over the head
  • Avoid applying excessive pressure to the area around the incision.
  • Avoid the use of makeup
  • Avoid sports or vigorous aerobic activities.
  • For three weeks, avoid direct sun exposure on the incision. After three weeks, use a sunscreen with SPF 30.
  • For at least six week, avoid coloring, bleaching and perming your hair.
  • You can style your hair in the weeks following a facelift to conceal the scar. You might choose to postpone major social gatherings for a few months.

Frequently Asked Questions Face Lift Surgery

Is it safe to get a face lift surgery in Turkey?

Turkey is safe for plastic surgery. This is because of a number of factors. As with any medical procedure anywhere in the globe, there are certain guidelines to follow.

Does this surgery lead to too much bleeding? 

No, it does not lead to too much bleeding. Even though there may be a small amount of bleeding after the surgery, it will go away in a very short time.

How Long Should I Expect wait Following My Face Lift Surgery In Turkey?

Normal activities, such as work, can be resumed within two weeks.

How painful is a full face lift?

You can expect to experience tightness, bruising, and tenderness in your face for a few days after the face lift. We also provide a timeline for your general recovery.

How many hours does a face lift take?

The surgery for a facial lift will take between two and four hours. Your surgeon will make a few small cuts behind your hairline or around your ear. Your surgeon will then separate the skin and fat from the muscle, depending on which area of your facial you want lifted.

Before / After

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