
Gum Disease Treatment

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Gum Disase Treatment in Turkey 2024

Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey at Soraca Med in Turkey can quickly and painlessly treat the inflammation that affects the tissue surrounding your tooth. Our expert periodontist utilizes state-of-the-art laser technology to return your gums back to their healthy condition. Don’t allow gum disease in Turkey to cause tooth loss. Go to Soraca Med for effective treatment

What Is The Objective Of Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey?

The restoration of gum volume is accomplished by various methods. The selection of the best technique is based on the individual’s goals and personal preferences.the primary goals of treatment for Gum Disease in Turkey comprises:

The augmentation of premium gums around the implant

Gum cuff formation;

In the creation of the needed mucous membrane to support the gingival crest of the artificial tooth

Bone protection by means of the newly restored gum in the implantation area.

What is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is the procedure of arranging gingiva as well as the gingival level in accordance with the adjacent teeth. In Turkey similar to how we determine the shape and placement of teeth, we also plan the shape of the gingival and the location the area should be using the measurements we take with digital images or by using gum contouring using plaster models. We then give the final shape using the method we’ve determined.

In order to create a beautiful dental smile to our clients we first tackle their gum issues If they have there are any. After we have created an aesthetic and healthy gingiva, we offer other dental and aesthetic (Zirconia crowns Laminate veneers Emax crowns) procedures.

Why Go for Gum Reduction Surgery?

Your smile can say a lot about you and is one of the things people will notice and therefore, we’d like to help you improve your smile and increase the confidence of your patients with us at Soraca Med. Many of our patients who opt for dental treatment want to enhance their smiles. Perhaps you’re suffering from a large gum area. In this situation we can perform gum reduction surgery that will make your teeth appear larger and appear brighter.

A sparkling, bright smile is the most effective way to attract person’s eye, or be confident during interviews and in everyday life. The gum reduction procedure we offer can make the teeth pop and will ensure that no one is paid towards your gums. Many people undergo gum reduction in Turkey to shape and reshape their gums. Even if you’ve got an ideal set of sparkling dental teeth, the shape of your gums could influence your smile. We can help you get rid of a gummy smile’ or to even take your gums out in case they’re not symmetrical.

Gum Reduction Advantages

Our dental services in Turkey are always done at the highest standard by our highly skilled dentists. Additionally that our fees are less expensive than cities in European cities. It is only necessary to look through our reviews of our customers to find out how well-known Soraca Med is. If you choose to opt for our gum reduction procedure, you’ll enjoy the numerous advantages. The primary ones are:

  • A better gum-to-tooth ratio
  • A more symmetrical gum line
  • A decrease in swelling and bleeding
  • The gum tissue that isn’t used up will disappear whenever you smile or talk.
  • A pain-free treatment in our modern clinic

What is Gummy Smile?

One thing that we have to look at when we look at dental aesthetics is the shape and shade of the teeth. The lips, gums and teeth must be in perfect harmony. Gummy smiles are a condition where gums appear larger than normal when laughing or talking.

They appear to be about 2 millimeters wide in a perfect smile appear up to 10 millimeters in these individuals. The appearance of two millimeters of gums when smiling will make the person appear younger. Thus, this ratio offers the ideal and attractive smile.

The treatment for gummy smiles is a multi-factor therapy. So, gummy smile repair treatment must be taken using a multi-disciplinary approach. Our dental practice in Turkey we provide the most precise gum contouring treatment plans as by the examination of a variety of dental structures.

How Is Gum Disease Treatment In Turkey Performed?

In the event of insufficiency or deficiency of soft tissue, they could be transferred from another area within the mouth cavity. The gum is usually transferred from the palate because the histological characteristics of the palate are believed as similar to the properties of the gums near the tooth’s neck.

This is why the gum graft that is transplanted by your dentist at the SoracaMed clinic in Turkey is able to survive quite quickly and stops the recession of gums. The gum disease treatment in Turkey offered is carried out in Turkey surgically.

Prior to your procedure the doctor you see At SoracaMed in Turkey removes the carious lesions from the work area and eliminates the inflammation. Treatment for gum disease Treatment in Turkey is carried out in Turkey is painless because it’s done under local anaesthesia.

To implant the gums, your dentist in Soraca Med in Turkey peels off several flaps of soft tissue within the oral cavity, one of which is placed just next to the tooth. Then, your dentist is at Soraca Med in Turkey cleans the spaces underneath these flaps, removes the inflammation, cleans out food residues and also repair your root with cement.

How is Gum Gontouring Done For Gummy Smile in Turkey?

The cases we refer to as Gummy smiles. These are cases in which the gums of our patients appear more than they smile. There are a variety of alternative approaches that we use in Turkey to address gum contouring and gummy smile issues.

  • Botox to give a gummy smile
  • Lazer to make a smile
  • Oralgnatic Surgery for Gummy Smile

Am I Eligible for Gum Reduction Surgery?

If you’re uncomfortable with the amount of gum exposed inside your mouth, there is a way to reduce the amount of gum visible. Surgery to reduce gum, also referred to by the name gum contouring takes out the excess gum tissue that surrounds your teeth.

This is the best dental procedure for people looking to enhance their appearance beginning at the smile. There’s no reason to be alone in having an excess amount of gum tissue. It is a problem that affects everyone and can cause annoyance in the absence of treatment. There is more information about cosmetic dentists on our site if you are seeking other options to enhance your smile

How Long Does Gum Disease Treatment In Turkey Take?

The treatment for Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey generally takes around one hour, but it’s essential for the patient to go back to Soraca Med in Turkey a week later for an assessment and treatment for gum disease Treatment in Turkey should it be required. Whatever your teeth appear and feel, if your gums are infected the teeth will be affected with no treatment.

What Are The Types Of Gum Disease Treatment In Turkey?

There are two kinds of treatment for gum diseases at the Soraca Med in Turkey. They are:

Laser Dentistry: The sole method of treatment is making use of the laser.

Laser assisted dentistry: This procedure is performed by using the laser in conjunction with other treatment methods.

What Are The Causes Of Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey?

Incorrect dental hygiene If plaque isn’t eliminated by regular dental hygiene procedures and regular professional cleanings, bacteria could build up into the gums and cause gingivitis which could eventually lead to gum disease Treatment in Turkey.

Mouth organic changes Changes in hormone levels and metabolism during puberty, pregnancy, and menopausal cycles can alter the balance of organic substances in the mouth.

Medical conditions: The presence of serious conditions that impact the body’s capacity to make sugar (such as kidney disease) can contribute to periodontal disease. In addition, the Center of disease prevention and control discovered the connection between various illnesses (including stroke, diabetes, or heart attack) along with gum illness. Additionally, the use of medications to treat medical issues could cause the growth of gums to increase. The gums that have grown are more vulnerable to bacterial infection, which can lead to the development of disease.

The inhibitor of saliva flow: Some drugs which cause oral side effects, or dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia) could cause a decrease in saliva flow to protect against infection and may lead to gum disease Treatment in Turkey. Seniors are more prone for dry mouth symptoms as a result of the natural decline in salivary flow that occurs with aging.

Incorrect functional habits Grinding or clenching teeth could cause tissue damage and may contribute to gingival problems.

How Do I Know I Need Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey?

As gum infections progress and the bone begins to receding; the gums might or may not reced. In some instances the tooth’s root is exposed, which can lead to tooth sensitiveness. Additionally, pus can be released, pockets could develop within the gingiva and the tooth. Since bone recession isn’t obvious for the untrained eye and if not treated could cause tooth loss, it’s crucial to visit the dentist in Soraca Med in Turkey for examinations by a professional and cleaning of the teeth to detect gum disease Treatment in Turkey.

Here are some of the most common indications that your dentist and Soraca Med in Turkey can be looking for:

The gums may be bleeding when brushing, or in any other way

Sensitive, red, or gums that have swollen, sensitive or red

Bad breath

The teeth that appear loose seem to have moved

What Does Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey Cost?

Treatment for gum disease Treatment in Turkey cost just between 500-1500 € which makes Turkey an affordable destination to treat gum disease Treatment in Turkey

What Are The Recommendations For Oral Care After Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey?

Regular dental examinations and domiciliary dental care can reduce the risk of serious injuries that require surgery. Other methods of preventing gingival issues are:

Cleaning your teeth twice per day using toothpaste that contains fluoride;

  • Dental floss is used daily;
  • Every six months, dentists visit for a dental examination and professional cleaning;
  • Healthy, balanced, and balanced diet
  • Refraining from smoking cigarettes

Can I Eat After Laser Gum Surgery?

Following the laser-based gums whitening treatment, our patients should eat soft foods during the beginning of their recovery. Foods like potato mash, yogurt and eggs won’t strain the gums as much. My patients must be mindful not to over-stress their gums during the short time of recovery.

Will Overgrown Gums Go Away?

If you’re suffering from gums that are a bit enlarged They can disappear if you take care to improve your oral hygiene practices and incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. However, not everyone is able to stop their gums from growing and if it does become a problem, undergoing dental surgery to treat this issue could help with appearance and dental health. Gums that are overgrown are also known by the term gingival hyperplasia. It usually is due to various medications or poor oral health within the mouth.

Is Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey Genetic?

In part. You may be more susceptible than other people.

Can I be affected at my age?

There’s no age limit for developing Gum Disease Treatment in Turkey. It can begin early, and sometimes can affect children.

How Do You Brush Your Teeth After Laser Gum Surgery?

Place the bristles of the toothbrush on the surface of the tooth under the gingiva. After that, you can brush downward motions across the surface of your tooth. Be careful not to make hard contact with your gums.

What is Gum Disease in Treatment in Turkey?

It’s actually a family of infections that impact the teeth’s support.

Before / After

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