
Mini Gastric Bypass

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Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey is a surgical procedure that is completely closed. It reduces the size of the stomach and separates smaller intestines of the absorption function. It is possible to claim that Mini Gastric Bypass is a technique that can be used much more quickly. The Mini Gastric Bypass is the fastest and easiest of the procedures used in weight loss surgery. Its postoperative recovery is extremely easy and comfortable.

Mini Gastric Bypass surgery has a significant control capacity in cases like Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, as well as being a shorter and less expensive procedure. As a result of its excellent outcomes and speedy and easy procedure, Mini Gastric Bypass is an increasingly sought-after procedure.

How is Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey Performed?

It is possible to list the phases that comprise Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, which is carried out to decrease the size of the stomach as well as to block food absorption from the intestines;

5-6 incisions of 1cm size are created in the abdomen. Trocars and instruments are placed into the abdomen through these cuts.

The camera, as well as the surgical instruments that are required to carry out the operation, are placed into the abdomen via the entry points made by trocars. In this regard, it is crucial to remember that the surgical instruments and cameras employed during the procedure should be long and thin enough to pass through trocars that are inserted through the abdomen.

In the middle of the stomach, a tiny stomach tube is made to separate this portion from the stomach’s rest. Following this procedure, the stomach utilized by the patient will be this part of the stomach created in a tiny tube.

The stomach is largely in the abdomen and produces secretions. The connection between the stomach and the small intestine made during surgery is l, and the small intestine is realized. So, the intake of food is transferred through the intestines. This is the second stage of the procedure.

In establishing connections between the stomach created by the procedure and the small intestine, about two meters of small intestine near the beginning of the small intestine are bypassed. The connection to the stomach comes from a part of the center of the small intestine.

How do you lose weight with a Miniature Gastric Bypass?

When you undergo Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, it’s intended to shed about 50% of excess weight within the first two years. The weight loss achieved by Mini Gastric Bypass surgery occurs due to three different outcomes.

We can summarize these effects as follows:

The reduction of stomach volume. By undergoing Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, the stomach volume of a patient is decreased. As the stomach shrinks, the amount of food consumed also reduces.

Absorption restriction of the small intestine. In the Mini Gastric Bypass surgery, a 200cm section of the beginning area of the small intestinal tract is isolated from the passage for food. This part of the intestine transfers the bile and other fluids needed to digest and absorb. After the Mini Gastric Bypass, the nutrients that pass through the stomach’s small part are absorbed into the center of the small intestine. In the absence of food passing through the 200cm region in the middle of the small intestine, excess calories are eliminated and not taken in. This results in significant weight loss and the maintenance of the weight loss is guaranteed.

Regulation of hormones: With mini Gastric Bypass surgery, most of the stomach gets separated and is left to remain in use. To ensure that food is not absorbed into this area, the stomach is intended to reduce its efficiency gradually. This means that the amount of hormones that cause hunger released within the body is decreased, which means that satisfaction is felt sooner and lasts longer.

What are the Risks of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?

When you undergo Mini Gastric Bypass surgeries, much of the stomach tissue is removed from active. However, this section is not separate from the human body. This means that there is no cut-out of an organ in the course of the operation. It is maintained in a state of inertia and is fixed to the abdomen. In this way, you can return to the state it was in before Mini Gastric Bypass surgery.

The risks associated with Mini Gastric Bypass surgery can be outlined as follows:

Bile reflux. To minimize the risk, the part of the intestine that carries bile production is joined from top to bottom to ensure that bile flow is carried through the small intestine and does not pass through the stomach.

  • Stomach ulcers. This rare condition is treated with regular control of the endoscope.
  • Dumping syndrome: carbohydrates in foods are to be avoided.
  • Standard Risks of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Resorption of bones
  • Weight loss is not enough or excessive.
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Mineral and vitamin deficiency due to a decrease in small intestinal absorption
  • Shortened distances in the intestinal tract cause diarrhea
  • The gallbladder is a place where stones form. or the duct
  • Anastomotic stenosis, leakage, or anastomotic
  • Infections of the wound or abscess

The Greatest Advantages of Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey

The ideal bariatric surgery, performed with minimal risks and complications, is one of the methods that improves the quality of life by providing permanent weight loss. Mini gastric bypass stands out as a technically easy method to implement. It may be the most applied revision surgery in the coming years.

What are the Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey?

Following gastric bypass surgery, the patient will lose approximately 10 to 15 kilograms within the initial month. The success rate in losing weight following surgery is much higher than in the tube stomach. In both cases, the amount of food consumed is restricted. Following the procedure, 75 percent of excess weight is shed within the first year, and 80-90 percent is lost in the second year. After losing excess weight, an impressive improvement can be observed in the diseases caused by obesity.

Who is Suitable for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Mini gastric bypass is a preferred method for the treatment of insulin-dependent obese patients who are morbidly obese. It’s more effective than the tube stomach or classical gastric bypass surgery, particularly for diabetic patients. Mini gastric bypass surgery is usually the most preferred option for obese patients who’ve had a gastric reduction or sleeve gastrectomy surgery and have gained weight over the course of many years. The Mini gastric bypass is simple for those patients and does not cause any complications.

Mini gastric bypass is a procedure that can be performed in between Roux – en – y by absorption reduction and biliopancreatic diversion. This is a more complicated procedure.

When selecting a patient to undergo the mini gastric bypass (MGB), the guidelines of other bariatric surgical procedures are in place, and there are subgroups in which the mini-gastric bypass procedure is specifically appropriate.

Individuals of all ages and BMIs suitable for bariatric surgery and who are healthy and fit are eligible for MGB. However, patients who are elderly need to be mindful to reduce the absorption distance, and it should be maintained a bit shorter. Mini gastric bypass can also provide outstanding results for extremely obese patients.

Metabolic illnesses: Patients with extensive abdominal weight gain or a metabolic syndrome that is advanced are the best candidates for MGB because of its superior results. The high metabolic efficiency of MGB is what makes the mini-gastric bypass a great alternative for those suffering from Type 2 diabetes, regardless of their body mass index.

Reflux and Hiatal Hernia: Obese patients suffering from reflux disease are also ideal for mini-gastric bypass due to their ability to lower pressure.

Conditions of the Small Intestine Small intestines need to be unobstructed during MGB surgery since they contain anastomoses of the small intestine; in the case of a frozen pelvis, the small intestine can’t be freed. Mini gastric bypass and any combined procedures that involve the intestines are unsuitable.

Revision Surgery after Other unsuccessful Surgery: It is stated that a mini gastric bypass can be an effective method of revision following restrictive failed surgery, such as a gastric band or sleeve gastrectomy. Given the increasing popularity of sleeve gastrectomy and its popular procedure, revision surgery, ranging from sleeve gastrectomy to mini-gastric bypass surgery, will likely become the most frequently performed surgery in the upcoming years. Because mini gastric bypass is also an anti-reflux surgery as well, it’s an alternative option for patients who suffer from cases of reflux following sleeve gastrectomy.

Particular conditions: Morbidly obese patients must stop drinking, smoking, and drinking for at least 6 months before surgery. If there is a substance addiction, an eradication time of at least three years would be ideal. Because the risk of surgery is higher for obese patients who are morbidly obese, Mini gastric bypass can be an ideal option for patients with these conditions.

What Should Be Expected Weight Loss After Mini Gastric Bypass?

In comparison, the other procedures for weight loss, such as mini gastric bypass, can be considered extremely effective. The most significant weight loss following mini gastric bypass typically occurs within the first year. 70% or more of excess weight is shed during this time. The literature data indicate that weight loss remains steady during the second and third years, while a decrease occurs in the third year, and the percentage of weight loss is at a level of 75 percent over the course of 8-10 years.

Numerous research studies demonstrate the benefits of mini gastric bypass compared to Sleeve gastrectomy. Mini gastric bypass can certainly be more effective than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve-gastrectomy in terms of weight loss as well as improving the quality of life for chronic diseases. Since it is a more metabolic procedure, It is important to be cautious about the increased chance of malnutrition.

Mini Gastric Bypass and Quality of Life

As quality of life is a combination of physical, social, mental, and emotional status, it’s significantly lower for obese individuals. The quality of life is directly correlated with the weight that is lost. Thus, improvements in mental well-being are multi-faceted, ranging from reducing depression symptoms to increasing self-confidence.

Compared to other surgical procedures, the mini gastric bypass offers an easier procedure and improves the quality of life following an operation that is safe.

How is the Preparation for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Similar to other techniques of surgery for obesity, proper selection of the patient preparation, education, and preparation are essential to get the greatest results. Initially, patients are assessed in depth regarding their suitability to undergo surgery.

Preoperative laboratory tests should be conducted, including mineral and vitamin levels. Before mini gastric bypass, patients should quit drinking cigarettes and alcohol at least six months before surgery.

The most essential requirement to ensure excellent results over the long term is the education of the patient. Knowing the specifics of the procedure that patients are scheduled to undergo and being aware of what they need to perform following surgery directly improves the chance of success.

Mini Gastric Bypass as Revision Surgery?

A growing amount of cases of revision surgery are resulting from insufficient gains or weight reduction, particularly after restrictive surgeries. The mini gastric bypass is among the most effective options following gastric band and sleeve gastric surgery. Mini gastric bypass has more weight loss results than revisional Roux en-Y.

Patient Follow-up After Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey

Because there is a possibility of mineral and vitamin deficiencies in obese patients before Mini Gastric Bypass, necessary tests should be conducted before the procedure. Things to be done and carried out before the procedure;

  • Vitamins B1, B12, D
  • Calcium
  • Pylori elimination and endoscopy.
  • What should you do following the surgery?
  • Complete biochemical examination during the year’s 6th, 3rd, 9th, and 12th months.
  • Inspections every six months per year
  • Then, the annual inspection will be repeated.
  • Vitamin B1, B12, D monitoring
  • Calcium, Hb levels, PTH monitoring, and PTH monitoring and
  • Liver functional tests, testing of albumin and protein levels
  • Endoscopy and ultrasound for the presence of cholecystitis between 6 and 9 months

Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey Recovery and Aftercare

Diet Progression

In the beginning phases of healing, patients will follow a liquid diet and gradually shift to soft and pureed meals. As time passes, they’ll be able to introduce solid food items into their diet, while focusing on portion control and following a healthy, balanced diet.

Physical Activity

While it’s important to rest and allow your body to heal, moderate exercise, such as walking, can be encouraged to improve circulation and help in healing.

Potential Risks and Complications

Mini gastric bypass surgeries, like any other surgical procedure, have certain dangers. This could include:

Dumping Syndrome: Symptoms occur when food particles are moved too fast through the digestive tract and cause dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea.

Nutritional Deficiencies: A decrease in absorption of nutrients may cause deficiencies, requiring supplementation.

Gallstones: A few patients could suffer from gallstones following the procedure, which requires medical attention.

Bleeding and Infection An infection of the incision sites or in the internal area is a possibility but extremely rare.

FAQs About Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Turkey

Contact Us for more information about Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey.

Do I have the chance to become pregnant following a mini gastric bypass?

Yes, it’s possible to become pregnant during the process. It is, however, advised to wait for at least 18 months or 2 months to be sure the weight loss is stable and the adequate digestion of the nutrients.

Do you have any limitations on the age limit for this surgery?

While age is a factor incorporated into the evaluation process, there is no age restriction for the mini gastric bypass procedure.

Do I have to alter my lifestyle following the procedure?

Yes, it is true that a healthy lifestyle that focuses on diet and fitness is crucial for a long-lasting recovery after an in-situ gastric bypass procedure.

What is the weight loss expected after a Mini gastric bypass operation?

Patients lose around 60-70% of body weight within the first 12-18 weeks following this procedure.

Can mini gastric bypass surgery be reversible?

Mini gastric bypass surgeries are generally not reversible. It is believed to be permanent weight loss therapy.

Before / After

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